{ "pageTitle": "Sign in to Cox Business MyAccount", "pageAdminTitle": "MyAdmin Login", "pageHnTitle": "Hospitality Network Sign In", "welcomeText": "Welcome to the MyAccount portal for Cox Business customers.", "welcomeInfo":"Manage your services, view and pay your bill, get technical support for your Cox Business services and more, all in one convenient place.", "welcomeAdminText": "Get access to easy to use tools to help you set up and make changes to Customer's Business Accounts. Within the Quick Links section, there is additional information to assist you in providing optimal customer support.", "welcomeHnText": "Welcome to the MyAccount portal for Hospitality Network Customers.", "signInTo": "Sign in now to:", "signInBenefits": [ " View or pay your bill ", "Manage your services", " Get 24/7 support ", " Set up features like Call Forwarding and Security Suite provided by McAfee®" ], "adminBenefits": [ "View Customer Accounts", "Update Cox Services & Features", "View Bills & Billing History", "Access Voice and Data Tools" ], "userId": "User ID", "userIdPlaceholder": "Please enter Email Address", "password": "Password", "passwordPlaceholder": "Please enter password", "rememberUser": "Remember User ID", "signIn": "Sign In", "residentialCusSignIn":"https://www.cox.com/resaccount", "register": "/onboarding/decision", "forgotpassword":"/unauth/forgotpassword", "needHelp":"https://www.cox.com/business/support/trouble-signing-in-on-the-cox-website.html", "hnResidentialCus":"https://www.cox.com/resaccount", "hnBusinessAcc": "/cbma/unauth/login", "useridRecovery": "/accountrecovery/useridrecovery", "helpUrls": [ { "url": "/onboarding/decision.cox", "label": "New to Cox Business MyAccount? Register now", "isExternal": true, "target": "_self" }, { "url": "https://www.cox.com/resaccount", "label": "I am a Cox Residential customer", "isExternal": true, "target": "_self" }, { "url": "/unauth/forgotpassword", "label": "Forgot Password", "isExternal": false, "target": "_self" }, { "url": "https://www.cox.com/business/support/trouble-signing-in-on-the-cox-website.html", "label": "Need help signing in?", "isExternal": true, "target": "_self" } ], "helpUrlsHN": [ { "url": "https://myaccount.coxbusiness.com/login.cox", "label": "I am a Cox Business customer", "isExternal": true, "target": "_self" }, { "url": "https://www.cox.com/resaccount", "label": "I am a Cox Residential customer", "isExternal": true, "target": "_self" }, { "url": "/unauth/forgotpassword", "label": "Forgot Password", "isExternal": false, "target": "_self" } ], "quickLinksLabel": "Quick Links", "quickLinks": [ { "url": "https://key.cox.com/portal/sa/;jsessionid=CA3562598022AD380C7E9267EEBA9701", "label": "KEY", "isExternal": true, "target": "_blank" }, { "url": "https://www.cox.com/business/support/voicemanager-resource-center.html", "label": "Getting Started with VoiceManager", "isExternal": true, "target": "_blank" }, { "url": "http://cdna.eventstreams.com/coxbusiness/vmcustomer/", "label": "Customer Tutorials", "isExternal": true, "target": "_blank" }, { "url": "https://coxcomminc.sharepoint.com/sites/coxone/Communities/CoxBusinessProduct/Pages/default.aspx", "label": "CoxOne Cox Business Product", "isExternal": true, "target": "_blank" }, { "url": "https://cox.sumtotal.host/Core/dash/home", "label": "Learn@Cox", "isExternal": true, "target": "_blank" } ], "messageCenter": "Message Center", "accountChanged": "MyAccount has changed!", "clickBelow": "Click the link below to learn more.", "viewDemo": "View Demo", "viewDemoUrl": "https://www.cox.com/business/resources/myaccount-overview.html", "downloadMobileApp": "Download Mobile App", "gpStore": "Google Play Store", "gpStoreUrl": "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cox.cb.myaccount", "appStore": "Apple Mobile App Store", "appStoreUrl": "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cox-business-myaccount/id1435820161?ls=1&mt=8", "invalidCredentialsMsg": "You entered either an invalid User ID or Password. Please try again or register now.", "hasError": "Please correct all highlighted fields below. ", "loginFailedMsg": "Something went wrong. Please correct the information below and try again.", "required": "Required.", "profileCreateSuccessMsg": "Your profile created successfully. Please login to complete further steps.", "mfaResetInfoMsg": "For security purposes, please re-enter your MyAccount credentials to continue with two-step verification setup.", "passwordChangeSuccessmsg": "Your password was changed successfully. Please login with the new password.", "genericErrorMsg" : "We're sorry. We can't complete your request at this time. Please try again." }